Tag Archives: Mastering Errors

Ashkan, the Charmed Ring and Other Stories (Deaf Crocodile)

[Ashkan] was shot on video at 25 frames per second. [This version was converted to 24fps] by removing 1 frame per second from the movie.

I initially misread that as “one frame per shot,” which would have been no big deal. So, to see such choppiness really caught me off guard:

Clipped directly from the BD.

It’s really noticeable and distracting throughout the movie, though the hand-held shaky cam helped hide some of it.

If this is the best version, I have some questions. Why couldn’t the 25fps original be used? Does it still exist? The video that remains is basically slowed down; slowing the original down to 24fps would be effectively the same. Why couldn’t it be a 25fps->1080i60 conversion? What about the sound? Is it slowed or pitch-corrected?

I’m not thrilled with the video compression, but it could be worse:

Clipped directly from the BD.

A poor presentation. Whatever the price is for this four-disc set, it’s 25% too much.

Blood and Sand (Kino)

Kino’s BD of Blood and Sand (1922) has relatively little computer repair work done on it, but what there is, is sloppy.

The most common restoration artifact here is what I call “quick-reverse” (QR) frames. It is when, instead of the film advancing as a normal ABCDEFGH, frames repeat like ABCDCDEFGH. It gives a feeling of the movie seizing up and is ugly to see in motion. Here, it’s limited to some titles.

Above, you can see Kino’s original with QR frames compared with those frames removed (and encoded at 60fps). Kino also added an additional repeating four frames to pad the length, but in this case they are far enough away from their initial appearance than it doesn’t register as looping frames. If you must pad out the length by repeating frames, spacing them out to break our persistence of vision works ok. In my corrected example, I removed these, too.

However, video is capable of arbitrary frame rates. Just stretch the playback speed in the timeline.

Some ugly interpolation:

Above brightened to see detail

The remaining errors are mostly frozen temporal cloning. What follows are some of the worst.

Top third of frame is frozen.
Top of frame is frozen and has an obvious seam.
Retouched area is a frozen splotch that doesn’t match.
Detail of above splotch.
Frozen splotch at top right.
Detail of above splotch.

Notice how the frozen temporal cloning above is misaligned and has a blurry edge. The technician needs to align it and use a harder brush and choose an indistinct source frame far enough away that it doesn’t result in either frozen or quick-reverse temporal cloning.

Top third of frame is frozen and misaligned.

Two thirds of the above frame are frozen, including the boy, which is the one part of the frame that shouldn’t be frozen. This spot also coincides with the 24fps pulldown. The same frame is shown for a duration of three frames, which means this spot runs for the equivalent of six frames per second!

Deleting that mostly-frozen frame results in a tiny jump cut, but the technician created that jump when cloning the motion out of existence.

And an editing error at 1:02:51:

The source print has lots of damage, though it still looks good. The damage is not particularly bad, but it’s there and occasionally significant. I find it hard to believe that the damage covered by these sloppy repairs was worse than and intolerable in relation to the damage that remains.

Blood and Sand is transferred at 19fps and encoded at 24fps.

PS: I would love a better word to describe quick-reverse frames.

Filibus (Milestone)

Overall, Milestone’s presentation of Filibus (1915) on BD is very nice and free from restoration processing artifacts. However, it has some editing and mastering errors.

During the feature, there are three instances where a blank green image flashes on screen, as if the video tracks used for tinting the titles got misaligned. They occur at 21:57, 25:38, and 25:48, shown below:

I appreciate the new English intertitles and the attempt to emulate the look of film, complete with grain and cement splice jumps.

An easy-to-miss error happens at the very end. The last frame is mistakenly placed at the beginning of the final shot (frame numbers in yellow):

The bonus films included on the BD are hard subbed. Hard subs are always disappointing, but if you’re going to use them, the safe area still matters:

Hard subtitles from the “Filibus” BD as seen on a Sony 34XBR960.

I watched it with the fine Mont Alto score, but I recommend listening to Donald Sosin’s with Joanna Seaton’s vocals first. Sosin wrote a delightful theme song that fits the pulpy and slightly goofy film wonderfully.

Filibus is transferred at 18 fps and encoded at 24 fps. Its intertitles run at 24 fps.